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The Ages & Stages Online Screening Tool will be undergoing planned maintenance on Friday, September 25th 2015 through Sunday, September 27th 2015 during which the system will not be available.

The Ages & Stages Online Screening Tool will be undergoing planned maintenance on Friday, April 3rd from 2:00 - 5:00 PM during which the system will not be available.

As part of efforts to improve the security of the Ages & Stages Online Screening Tool, we are implementing new password strength requirements and requiring that all users change their passwords. Your new password should be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one capital letter, one number, and one symbol.

If you are a parent/guardian: Please use the "forgot password" feature to reset your password.

If you are a teacher: Please contact your administrator to have your password reset.

If you are an administrator: Please call the USC Child Development Research Center. Please have your new password ready when you call, and make sure it meets the password strength rules mentioned.